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IAccessControl - Interface in
AccessControl is an entry in the access control list of a security descriptor.
IActivator - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task
An activator is a user or a role that can start a task.
IActivity - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
The activity interface defines the state of activity of certain objects in the workflow engine
IAdditionalPropertyable - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use custom fields instead
IApplication - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
IApplicationConfigurationManager - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
IApplicationRequest - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.request
This is an interface for all requests running in an application environment on ivy
IAttributeStore<T> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.util
This interface defines the API of an attribute map, i.e.
IBpmnProcessElement - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec
Extension point interface to provide the execution part of an 3rd party Ivy process element.
IBpmnProcessElement.ElementKind - Enum Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec
Process element types defined for 3rd party elements.
IBpmnProcessElementUi - Interface in
Extension point interface to provide the user interface part of an 3rd party Ivy process element.
IBpmSignalHistory - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.signal
Query sent signals.
IBpmSignalReceivers - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.signal
Query Signal receivers.
Signal Starts (IStartSignalEventElement) or tasks of User Task elements that have attached Signal Boundary Event elements (ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver)
IBpmSignalService - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.signal
A service for sending and querying signals.
IBusinessCalendar - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.calendar
The IBusinessCalendar supports time calculations in business hours and days.
IBusinessCalendarConfiguration - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.calendar
Defines the free days and working time of a IBusinessCalendar.
IBusinessCalendarSettings - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.calendar
Reads, writes, creates and deletes IBusinessCalendarConfigurations
IBusinessCase - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.businesscase
Every process that is started is a case.
ICase - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A workflow case is an instance of a process.
ICaseMap - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.casemap.runtime.model
Representation of a case map
ICaseMapFinder - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.casemap.runtime
Case Map Finder.
ICaseMapService - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.casemap.runtime
The ICaseMapService is the entry point to the case map related public API.
ICaseMapStarter - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.casemap.runtime
Case Map Starter.
ICaseQueryExecutor - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query
ICommonProcessExtensionConfigurationEditor - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.extension
Do not use this interface directly use IProcessExtensionConfigurationEditorEx instead.
Icon - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.model.value
IContentManagementSystem - Interface in
The Ivy Content Management System (CMS).
IContentObject - Interface in
ATTENTION: Do not annotate this class with @Deprecation otherwise you need to annotate IContentManagementSystem also! Otherwise the JDT compiler will make your workspace unusable! Or we may just fix: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter.deprecatedSinceValue(
IContentObjectType - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
IContentObjectValue - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ICustomField<T> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
You can use a custom field to store additional, customer specific information on a task and case.
ICustomFieldMeta - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
Meta information about a custom field
ICustomFieldNames - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
Allows to query names of tasks and cases custom fields.
ICustomFieldNames.NameQuery<T extends Query<?>> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
Custom field name query
ICustomFieldNames.Result - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
Custom field name query result
ICustomFields - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
You can use custom fields to store additional, customer specific information on a task and/or case.
ICustomNumberField - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
ICustomProperties - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Ivy.var()
ICustomProperty - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Ivy.var()
ICustomPropertyProvider - Interface in
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Ivy.var()
ICustomStringField - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
ICustomTimestampField - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field
id(String) - Static method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.client.element.BpmProcess
Selects a process by the given identifier.
ID - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.CaseProperty
The id property
ID - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.IntermediateEventProperty
The id property
ID - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.TaskProperty
The id property
IDataCache - Interface in
A Data Cache is a container for data cache groups and therefore as well for data cache entries.
IDataCacheContext - Interface in
Runtime context for clients to access data caches in its scope.
IDataCacheEntry - Interface in
A data cache entry represents an entity that is cached by the Data Cache API.
IDataCacheGroup - Interface in
A group for data caches entries to sort similar entries in one place.
IDefaultBusinessCalendar - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.calendar
The default business calendar represents the default IBusinessCalendar used in the current context.
IDocument - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.document
A document that can be attached to a case or is managed by a workflow context.
IDocumentContentReader - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.document
Provides methods to read the content of a document.
IDocumentContentWriter - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.document
Provides methods to write the content of a document.
IDocumentService - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.document
Provides methods to handle documents.
IEventBeanThreads - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.beans
Use this to configure threads that should be started if the event bean is started and stopped if the bean is stopped.
IExtensibleProcessElementFactory - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.element
The extensible process element factory can be used to declare new process elements that are based on extensible process elements like program interface, start event or intermediate event elements.
IExtensibleStandardProcessElementExtension - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.element
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec.IBpmnProcessElement instead.
IExtensions - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.extension
Extensions interface provides access to the user to some ivy extensions
IFluentQueryExecutor<V> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.query
Executor for a built Query.
IGlobalVariableContext - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.globalvars
The interface of the var attribute of the ivy class.
IGlobalWorkflowContext - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Task and Case context for all applications of a server.
IgnoreAllPoliciesFeature - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.exec.cxf.feature.policy
Disables all policy verifications on client side.
IgnorePolicyFeature - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.exec.cxf.feature.policy
Allows to disable specific policies.
The disabled policies can be specified with the property 'policy.disabled' as a comma-separated list of form 'namespaceURI:policy'.
IGroup<T> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence
A group.
IHtmlDialogContext - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.htmldialog
The IHtmlDialogContext specifies the interface of the ivy.html environment variable.
IHttpRequest - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.request
This is an interface for all http request handled by ivy
IHttpResponse - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.request
This is an interface for all http responses handled by ivy
IIntermediateEvent - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
An intermediate event
IIntermediateEventElement - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Intermediate event element
IIvyDataObject - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.util
A interface for objects admissible in IvyObjects and Lists.
IIvyEntityManager - Interface in
An Interface which offers all persistence methods to an process developer.
IIvyProjectClassPathExtension - Interface in
Third party can use this extension point to add classes from bundles to the compile class path of an ivy project to the ivy project class loader, so that the classes can be loaded through the project class loader
IIvyQuery - Interface in
Interface used to control query execution for the persistence API.
IIvyScriptContext - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.language
This class represents a context to execute instructions.
IIvyScriptEditor - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.extension
IIvyScriptInstruction - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.language
This is the interface all ivy script instructions must implement which the IvyScriptEngine is able to execute.
ILibrary - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
Library belongs to an application.
ILibrarySpecification - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
Specification of a required library
ILibraryVersionSpecification - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
Specification of the version of a required library
ILifecycle - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.lifecycle
An interface that is implemented by classes that can be started and stopped.
ILocalizedStrings - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.localized
Provides localized task and case names and descriptions.
ILocation - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.location
A location of a user or task.
ILocation.Type - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.location
The type of a ILocation
ILocationService - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.location
Provides location (geo-position and address) information for a user or task
ILogger - Interface in ch.ivyteam.log
API for logging messages with different levels.
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ImageGif - Enum constant in enum class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ImageJpg - Enum constant in enum class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ImagePng - Enum constant in enum class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ImageSvg - Enum constant in enum class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
ImageWebp - Enum constant in enum class
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
IMemberRepository - Interface in
Security member repository to find security members
importContentFromFile(File, String) - Method in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
importContentFromFile(File, String, String) - Method in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
IMultiNodeCapable - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.beans
This is a marker interface for all event beans that can run on numerous nodes in a cluster at the same time (as opposed to beans that are only allowed to run on the master node).
IN - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.logicalexpression.RelationalOperator
IN operation.
IN_PROGRESS - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task.TaskBusinessState
Task is IN_PROGRESS when someone is currently working on it.
INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.ActivityOperationState
State INACTIVE The object is not active.
INACTIVE - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.ActivityState
inDegrees() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Angle
inDegrees(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Angle
Creates an angle in degrees
inDegrees(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Latitude
Creates a Latitude in degrees.
inDegrees(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Longitude
Creates a Longitude in degrees
inDegrees(double, Latitude.Direction) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Latitude
Creates a Latitude in degrees and direction.
inDegrees(double, Longitude.Direction) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Longitude
Creates a Longitude in degrees and a direction
inDegreesMinutesSeconds(int, int, int) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Angle
Creates an angle in degrees, minutes, seconds
Index - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.elasticsearch.index
IndexDocument - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.elasticsearch.client
IndexInfo - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.elasticsearch.index
IndexName - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.elasticsearch.client
indexOf(List<?>) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset
Returns the first index of a Record in this Recordset.
indexOf(Record) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset
Returns the first index of a Record in this Recordset.
indexOf(Tree) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Tree
Returns the index in this tree of the first occurrence of the specified child element, or -1 if this treet does not contain this child element
indexOf(Object) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.List
IndexTemplate - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.elasticsearch.index
inFeets() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Altitude
inFeets() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
inFeets(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Altitude
Create altitude in feets
inFeets(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
Creates a new distance in feets
info(Object) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.log.ILogger
Logs a message with level INFO.
info(Object) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.log.Logger
info(String, Object...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.log.ILogger
Formats(java.text.MessageFormat) and logs a message with level INFO.
info(String, Object...) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.log.Logger
info(String, Throwable, Object...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.log.ILogger
Formats(java.text.MessageFormat) and logs a message with level INFO including a throwable.
info(String, Throwable, Object...) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.log.Logger
infos(Class<T>) - Method in interface
Gets the business data info repository that allows to iterate over stored business data infos.
initialize(IProcessStartEventBeanRuntime, ProgramConfig) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart.IProcessStartEventBean
Initializes the process start event bean
initialize(IProcessStartEventBeanRuntime, String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart.IProcessStartEventBean
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
initialize(IProcessIntermediateEventBeanRuntime, ProgramConfig) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.intermediateevent.IProcessIntermediateEventBean
Initializes the process intermediate event bean
initialize(IProcessIntermediateEventBeanRuntime, String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.intermediateevent.IProcessIntermediateEventBean
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
initialize(WebServiceClientFeatureContext) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.exec.feature.WebServiceClientFeature
The feature will be initialized directly before the call to the remote server will happen.
initUiFields(ExtensionUiBuilder) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.extension.ui.UiEditorExtension
Provides a facade, to build your own UI in no-time.
inKilometers() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Altitude
inKilometers() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
inKilometers(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Altitude
Create altitude in kilometers
inKilometers(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
Creates a new distance in kilometers
inMeters() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Altitude
inMeters() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
inMeters(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Altitude
Create altitude in meters
inMeters(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
Creates a new distance in meters
inMiles() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
inMiles(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
Creates a new distance in miles
INote - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A note
INoteable - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
All workflow classes that implement this interface are able to handle notes.
inputStream() - Method in interface
Returns the content as input stream.
inputStream(InputStream) - Method in interface
Sets the content.
InputStreamSupplier - Class in
To ease the migration of old Primefaces 7 DefaultStreamedContents, you can use this helper class in the builder as InputStream supplier
inRadians() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Angle
inRadians(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Angle
Creates an angle in radians
inRadians(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Latitude
Creates a latitude in radians.
inRadians(double) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Longitude
Creates a Longitude in radians
inRadians(double, Latitude.Direction) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Latitude
Creates a latitude in radians and direction.
inRadians(double, Longitude.Direction) - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Longitude
Creates a Longitude in radians and a direction
InscriptionType - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.lsp.inscription.element
InscriptionValidation - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.lsp.inscription.server.protocol
insertAllAt(int, List<?>) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset
Inserts records into this Recordset.
insertAllAt(int, Recordset) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset
Adds records from another Recordset to this Recordset.
insertAt(int, CompositeObject) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset
Inserts a new record at a given index.
insertAt(int, List<?>) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset
Inserts a copy of the argument list as a new row at the given index in this recordset.
insertAt(int, Record) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset
Inserts a record at a given index.
insertColumn(int, String, List<?>) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Recordset
Inserts a column into the recordset.
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.TaskElementKind
Intermediate event element
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_ELEMEMT_ID - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.IntermediateEventProperty
The intermediate event element id
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_ELEMENT_CREATE - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventElementCreate
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_ELEMENT_DELETE - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventElementDelete
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_ELEMENT_READ - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventElementRead
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_ELEMENT_READ_ALL - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventElementReadAll
Permission IntermediateEventElementReadEventBeanClassName
Permission IntermediateEventElementReadEventBeanConfiguration
Permission IntermediateEventElementReadEventBeanEnabled
Permission IntermediateEventElementWriteEventBeanClassName
Permission IntermediateEventElementWriteEventBeanConfiguration
Permission IntermediateEventElementWriteEventBeanEnabled
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_FIRE - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventFire
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_READ - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventRead
Permission IntermediateEventReadAdditionalInformation
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_READ_ALL - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventReadAll
Permission IntermediateEventReadEventIdentifier
Permission IntermediateEventReadEventTimestamp
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_READ_RESULT_OBJECT - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventReadResultObject
INTERMEDIATE_EVENT_READ_STATE - Static variable in interface
Permission IntermediateEventReadState
Permission IntermediateEventReadTimeoutAction
Permission IntermediateEventReadTimeoutTaskStartElementId
Permission IntermediateEventReadTimeoutTimestamp
Permission IntermediateEventWriteTimeoutTimestamp
IntermediateEventFiringResult - Enum Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.intermediateevent
The state of an intermediate event
IntermediateEventProperty - Enum Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Intermediate event property
IntermediateEventState - Enum Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
IntermediateEventTimeoutAction - Enum Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Defines the action that should happen if a intermediate event timeouts.
INVALID - Static variable in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Date
An invalid date object.
INVALID - Static variable in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.DateTime
An invalid datetime object.
INVALID - Static variable in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Duration
An invalid duration object.
INVALID - Static variable in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Time
An invalid time object.
invalidate() - Method in interface
Invalidates all groups including all their entries within this cache
invalidate() - Method in interface
Invalidates the entry
invalidateAllEntries() - Method in interface
Invalidates all cache entries within this group.
invalidateEntry(IDataCacheEntry) - Method in interface
Invalidates the given cache entry.
invalidateEntry(IDataCacheGroup, IDataCacheEntry) - Method in interface
Invalidates the data cache entry with .
invalidateEntry(String) - Method in interface
Invalidates the cache entry with the given identifier if it is in this group
invalidateGroup(IDataCacheGroup) - Method in interface
Invalidates the group with the given name and all the cache entries within this cache group
InvolvedCasesByRoleQuery - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
IPagedIterable<V> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.query
Iterate or stream over results that are read page wise from the system database.
IPagedResult<V> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.query
Iterate, stream or read results in pages.
IParameter - Interface in
IPermission - Interface in
A permission is a right to do something
IPermissionAccess - Interface in
The permission access descripes if a security member is granted or denied a certain permission.
IPermissionGroup - Interface in
Permission groups can be used to organise permission in groups and hierarchies
IPermissionGroupAccess - Interface in
The permission group access describes whether a security member is granted or denied the permissions of a certain permission group.
IPersistenceContext - Interface in
The interface of the persistence attribute of the ivy variable.
IPoller - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.beans
Use one of the methods to defined how often or when the IProcessStartEventBean.poll() or IProcessIntermediateEventBean.poll() method should be called
IProcessExtension - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.extension
Base interface of the process extension interfaces
IProcessExtensionConfigurationEditorEnvironment - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.extension
The process extension configuration editor can access its environment over this interface.
IProcessExtensionConfigurationEditorEx - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.extension
The interface of a configuration editor of a process extension (e.g IUserProcessExtension).
IProcessIntermediateEventBean - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.intermediateevent
Interface that must be implemented by process intermediate event bean.
IProcessIntermediateEventBeanRuntime - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.intermediateevent
The process intermediate event bean runtime is the API for the intermediate event bean to access its environment and to fire events.
IProcessIntermediateEventFiringResult - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.intermediateevent
The result of a process intermediate event firing
IProcessModel - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
IProcessModelVersion - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
IProcessModelVersionRequest - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.request
IProcessRequest - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.request
This is an interface for all process requests handled on ivy
IProcessStart - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
IProcessStarter - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart
Starts the process that belongs to the start event element this bean was configured on and will execute the first task of it.
IProcessStartEventBean - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart
Interface that must be implemented by process start event bean.
IProcessStartEventBeanRuntime - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart
Process start event bean runtime gives an event bean access to its environment
IProcessStartEventResponse - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart
A response for a process start event request
IProperty - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.system
A property
IProperty - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A property
IPropertyBase - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.system
Base interface for all properties
IPropertyFilter<T extends IProperty> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A property filter can be used for filtering workflow objects by their properties.
IQueryExecutor<V> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.query
Executes a business query queries and provides different types of results (business object, result sets, count).
IQueryResult<T> - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence
Result of a query.
IRequest - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.request
This is common interface for all requests handled by ivy
IRequestId - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.engine
Process Request identifier.
IResponse - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.request
This is the common interfaces for all responses returned by ivy
IRestClientContext - Interface in
REST clients of this application.
IRole - Interface in
A security Role.
IRoleMatcher - Interface in
Test if the user of this user token currently owns roles.
IRoleRepository - Interface in
Role repository to find and create and delete roles.
IRoleUsers - Interface in
Provide methods to get users that own a role by: directly assigned to it (IRoleUsers.assignedPaged(), IRoleUsers.assignedPaged(int)) directly assigned to it or assigned to a child role or member role (IRoleUsers.allPaged(), IRoleUsers.allPaged(int)). Method
IRuleBase - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.rule.engine.api
IRuleEngine - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.rule.engine.api
IRuleExecutor - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.rule.engine.api
Execute rules on data objects.
IRuleExecutorBuilder - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.rule.engine.api
Responsible for building an IRuleExecutor to execute rules on data objects.
IRuleResource - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.rule.engine.api.resource
Represents a file which is loaded into the rule base.
is(boolean) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that match or do not match the condition given by the value parameter.
is(boolean) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
is(boolean) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
is(boolean) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
is(boolean) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
IS - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.logicalexpression.RelationalOperator
IS operation.
IS_EXPIRED - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.TaskProperty
The is expired property
IS_NOT - Enum constant in enum class ch.ivyteam.logicalexpression.RelationalOperator
IS NOT operation.
isAbsent() - Method in interface
Is the session user currently absent
isAbsent() - Method in interface
Is the session user currently absent.
isAbsent() - Method in class
Returns true if the user was absent when the snapshot was taken.
isActive() - Method in interface
isAfter(Date) - Method in interface
Matches DateTime values that are after the given value
isAfterOrEqualTo(Date) - Method in interface
Matches DateTime values that are after or equal to the given value
isAnyDenied() - Method in enum class
Checks whether the security member is denied at least one permission of a group
isAnyGranted() - Method in enum class
Checks whether the security member is granted at least one permission of a group
isAuthRequest(URI) - Method in interface
Indicates whether the current request is associated with an OAUTH2 request.
isBefore(Date) - Method in interface
Matches DateTime values that are before the given value
isBeforeOrEqualTo(Date) - Method in interface
Matches DateTime values that are before or equal to the given value
isBetween(Number, Number) - Method in interface
Matches Number values that between the given values (exclusive)
isBetween(Date, Date) - Method in interface
Matches DateTime values that are between the given values (exclusive)
isBusinessCase() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ICase
Returns true if this case is a business case and false if it is a sub case.
isBusinessCase() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IFilterableColumns
Selects only cases that are business cases.

For performance reasons you should prefer CaseQuery.businessCases() to restrict your query to business cases.

Get all business cases
isDefault() - Method in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
not supported anymore. always returns false.
isDefault() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.vars.Variable
Checks if a variable is the default or can be reseted.
isDeletable() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.IProcessModel
Checks if the process model can be deleted safely without throwing an exception.
isDenied() - Method in enum class
Is the access state denied
isDenied() - Method in interface
Is denied
isDeniedAllPermissions() - Method in interface
Checks whether the security member is denied all permissions of this permission group
isDeniedAnyPermission() - Method in interface
Checks whether the security member is denied any permission of this permission group
isDesigner() - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.runtime.IvyRuntime
isDirectory() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.File
returns true if the file denoted by this object is a directory.
isDownloadable() - Method in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
isDynamic() - Method in interface
Returns if this role is dynamic or not.
Roles created during deployment are never dynamic.
ISecurity - Interface in
The security is responsible to manage users, roles, security members and sessions.
ISecurityConstants - Interface in
Security constants
ISecurityContext - Interface in
The security context is responsible to manage users, roles and sessions.
ISecurityDescriptor - Interface in
A Security Descriptor is used to decide if a session has a permission to do something.
ISecurityDescriptorType - Interface in
A security descriptor type
ISecurityMember - Interface in
Base interface for IUser and IRole.
isEmpty() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.model.value.EventCode
isEmpty() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.List
isEmpty() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Record
Tests whether the record is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Tuple
Check if this is the empty tuple value.
isEnabled() - Method in interface
Whether the security member is enabled or not.
isEngine() - Static method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.runtime.IvyRuntime
isEqual(int) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(long) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(CaseState) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.ICaseStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(CaseBusinessState) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.ICaseBusinessStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(TaskBusinessState) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.ITaskBusinessStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(TaskState) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.ITaskStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(WorkflowPriority) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IWorkflowPriorityFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(WorkflowPriority) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IWorkflowPriorityFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Boolean) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IBooleanColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Number) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IUUIDColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IUUIDColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqual(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value.
isEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value ignoring case.
isEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value ignoring case.
isEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value ignoring case.
isEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value ignoring case.
isEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with the given value ignoring case.
isEqualTo(boolean) - Method in interface
Matches Boolean values that are equal to the given value
isEqualTo(Number) - Method in interface
Matches Number values that are equal to the given value
isEqualTo(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.client.element.StringSelector
String attribute is equal to the given value
isEqualTo(Date) - Method in interface
Matches DateTime values that are equal to the given value
isEqualToIgnoringCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.engine.client.element.StringSelector
String attribute is equal ignoring case to the given value
isEqualToIgnoringCase(String) - Method in interface
Matches text values that are equal ignoring case to the given value.
IServerExtension - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.server
A server extension is a object that is instantiate and started during the server start and is stopped during the server stop.
IServerLimited - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.webserver
ISession - Interface in
A session holds information about a user who interacts with ivy.
ISessionRepository - Interface in
Session repository to create, destroy and find sessions.
isEventBeanEnabled() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.IStartEventElement
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
not longer persistent (if engine is restarted, the event bean is started again)
isExpired() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITask
Is this task expired?
isExpired() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.GroupByQuery
isExpired() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IFilterableColumns
Prepares a where statement for the column IsExpired.
Must be followed by a call to a condition method.
isExpired() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IGroupByQueryColumns
Groups the result of the query by the field IsExpired.
isExpired() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IOrderByQueryColumns
Adds an order by statement for the column IsExpired in the default direction ascending.
To change the order to descending use isExpired().descending()
isExpiryTask() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITask
Is this task a task that was created because an other task had expired?
isExplicit() - Method in enum class
Is the access state explicit
isExplicit() - Method in interface
Is explicit denied or granted
isExternal() - Method in interface
Whether or not the user is managed by an external security system.
isFalse() - Method in interface
Matches Boolean values that are false
isFalse() - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not match the condition.
isFalse() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
isFalse() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
isFalse() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
isFalse() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
isFile() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.File
Tests whether the file denoted by this object is a normal file.
isGranted() - Method in enum class
Is the access state granted
isGranted() - Method in interface
Is the permission granted
isGranted() - Method in interface
Is granted
isGrantedAllPermissions() - Method in interface
Checks whether the security member is granted all permissions of this permission group
isGrantedAnyPermission() - Method in interface
Checks whether the security member is granted any permission of this permission group
isGreaterOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater or equal than the given value.
isGreaterOrEqualTo(Number) - Method in interface
Matches Number values that are greater than or equal to the given value
isGreaterThan(int) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(long) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(Number) - Method in interface
Matches Number values that are greater than the given value
isGreaterThan(Number) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isGreaterThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are greater than the given value.
isHidden() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field.ICustomFieldMeta
Do not show hidden custom fields to the end users.
ISignaledTask - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.signal
A task that has been started by a signal.
ISignalEvent - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.signal
A signal event that was sent.
isIn(long...) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(long...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(long...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(long...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(long...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(CaseState...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.ICaseStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(CaseBusinessState...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.ICaseBusinessStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(TaskBusinessState...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.ITaskBusinessStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(TaskState...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.ITaskStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(WorkflowPriority...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IWorkflowPriorityFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(WorkflowPriority...) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IWorkflowPriorityFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(Number...) - Method in interface
Matches Number values that are in the given values
isIn(List<CaseState>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.ICaseStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<CaseBusinessState>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.ICaseBusinessStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<TaskBusinessState>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.ITaskBusinessStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<TaskState>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.ITaskStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<WorkflowPriority>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IWorkflowPriorityFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<WorkflowPriority>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IWorkflowPriorityFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<Long>) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<Long>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<Long>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<Long>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isIn(List<Long>) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are in the given list of values.
isInclusive() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.ILibraryVersionSpecification
Is the required library version inclusive this version
isInDateRange(Date, Date) - Method in interface
Matches DateTime values that are in the range of the given Date values (inclusive).
isIntermediateEventBeanEnabled() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.IIntermediateEventElement
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
not longer persistent (if engine is restarted, the event bean is started again)
isInvalidated() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.rule.engine.api.IRuleBase
isInvolved(ISecurityMember) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.FilterQuery
isInvolved(ISecurityMember) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IFilterableColumns
Filters all cases the security member is involved in.
If the given security member is a user, this method is equivalent to CaseQuery.IFilterableColumns.userIsInvolved(IUser). If the given security member is a role, this method is equivalent to CaseQuery.IFilterableColumns.roleIsInvolved(IRole).
isInvolved(ISecurityMember) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.FilterQuery
isInvolved(ISecurityMember) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IFilterableColumns
Filters all tasks the security member is involved in.
If the given security member is a user, this method is equivalent to TaskQuery.IFilterableColumns.userIsInvolved( If the given security member is a role, this method is equivalent to TaskQuery.IFilterableColumns.roleIsInvolved(
isInvolved(String, String) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.FilterQuery
isInvolved(String, String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IFilterableColumns
Filters all cases where the security member with given member name (user or role) in the given application is involved in.
Compared to the method isInvolved(ISecurityMember), this method evaluates the corresponding ISecurityMember on query execution.
isInvolved(String, String) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.FilterQuery
isInvolved(String, String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IFilterableColumns
Filters all tasks where the security member with given member name (user or role) in the given application is involved in.
isIvyException() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.jsf.bean.error.ErrorPageMBean
isLessOrEqualTo(Number) - Method in interface
Matches Number values that are less than or equal to the given value
isLessThan(Distance) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.Distance
Returns true if this distance is less than the given other distance
isLessThan(Number) - Method in interface
Matches Number values that are less than the given value
isLike(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value.
isLike(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value.
isLike(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value.
isLike(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value.
isLike(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value.
isLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value ignoring case.
isLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value ignoring case.
isLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value ignoring case.
isLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value ignoring case.
isLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are like the given value ignoring case.
isLowerOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerOrEqualThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower or equal than the given value.
isLowerThan(int) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(long) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(Number) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isLowerThan(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are lower than the given value.
isMember(IUserToken) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task.IActivator
Whether the activator is set and the given user token is a member of the activator.
isMember(IUserToken, boolean) - Method in interface
Returns true if the user token is a member of this task activator
isMemberThroughActiveSubstitution(ISecurityMember) - Method in interface
Returns true if the current user is member of the security member because of active substitution that substitutes him as the security member.
isMemberThroughActiveSubstitution(String) - Method in interface
Returns true if the current user is member of the security member name because of active substitution that substitutes him as the security member.
isMoreThanOneInstanceSupported() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart.AbstractProcessStartEventBean
isMoreThanOneInstanceSupported() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart.IProcessStartEventBean
Does this event bean allow/support that it is instanciated more than once for a certain path.
isMoreThanOneInstanceSupported() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.intermediateevent.IProcessIntermediateEventBean
Does this event bean allow/support that it is instanciated more than once for a certain path.
isNearby(GeoPosition, Distance) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.GeoPosition
Returns true if the given position is closer than the given distance from this position.
isNodeChild(Tree) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Tree
Returns true if aNode is a child of this node.
isNodeSibling(Tree) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Tree
Returns true if anotherNode is a sibling of (has the same parent as) this node.
isNotBusinessCase() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IFilterableColumns
Selects only cases that are not business cases (e.g.
isNotEqual(int) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(int) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(long) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(long) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IIntegerColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(CaseState) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.ICaseStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects the rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(CaseBusinessState) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.ICaseBusinessStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects the rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(TaskBusinessState) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.ITaskBusinessStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects the rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(TaskState) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.ITaskStateFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects the rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(WorkflowPriority) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IWorkflowPriorityFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects the rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(WorkflowPriority) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IWorkflowPriorityFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects the rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Boolean) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IBooleanColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Number) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Number) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.INumberColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqual(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IDateColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value.
isNotEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value ignoring case.
isNotEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value ignoring case.
isNotEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value ignoring case.
isNotEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value ignoring case.
isNotEqualIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IStringColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have the given value ignoring case.
isNotLike(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value.
isNotLike(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value.
isNotLike(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value.
isNotLike(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value.
isNotLike(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value.
isNotLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value ignoring case.
isNotLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value ignoring case.
isNotLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value ignoring case.
isNotLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value ignoring case.
isNotLikeIgnoreCase(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IPatternColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that have values that are not like the given value ignoring case.
isNotNull() - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have NULL values.
isNotNull() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have NULL values.
isNotNull() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have NULL values.
isNotNull() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have NULL values.
isNotNull() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that do not have NULL values.
isNull() - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with NULL values.
isNull() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with NULL values.
isNull() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with NULL values.
isNull() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with NULL values.
isNull() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IColumnFilterQuery
Adds a filter condition that selects rows with NULL values.
isOffline() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.GroupByQuery
isOffline() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IFilterableColumns
Prepares a where statement for the column IsOffline.
Must be followed by a call to a condition method.
isOffline() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IGroupByQueryColumns
Groups the result of the query by the field IsOffline.
isOffline() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IOrderByQueryColumns
Adds an order by statement for the column IsOffline in the default direction ascending.
To change the order to descending use isOffline().descending()
isOwner(ISecurityMember) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IFilterableColumns
Filters all cases the security member is owner of.
isOwner(String, String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IFilterableColumns
Filters all cases the member of the application is owner of.
isPersistent() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ICase
Checks if the case is persistent.
isPersistent() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITask
Checks if a task is persistent.
isPersonallyOnly() - Method in interface
Returns true if the substitution is personally only
isPostfixOf(Path) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.document.Path
Boolean isTrue = new Path("sales/January").isPostfixOf(new Path("documents/sales/January"));
isPrefixOf(Path) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.document.Path
Boolean isTrue = new Path("documents/sales").isPrefixOf(new Path("documents/sales/January"));
isPresent() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.custom.field.ICustomField
isPropertyBacked(String) - Method in interface
Indicates whether the given property is backed in an external directory (e.g.
isRequired() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.IProcessModelVersion
Tests if this process model version is required by other process model versions.
isResolved() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.ILibrary
Checks if the library is resolved.
isResolved() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.ILibrarySpecification
Checks if the library specification is resolved.
isResolvedLibraryFixed() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.ILibrarySpecification
Determines whether the library which matches this specification is calculated at runtime or if the library was defined during deployment.
isResolvedLibraryResolved() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.ILibrarySpecification
Checks if the resolved library is resolved
isResponsible(String) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.designer.inscription.ui.thirdparty.BpmnInscriptionEditor
isRole() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task.IActivator
Whether the activator is set and is a role.
isRole(IRole) - Method in interface
Checks whether this or any parent role is equal with the role given
isRole(IRole) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task.IActivator
Whether the activator is set and is the given role.
isRoot() - Method in interface
Whether this is the root content object or not.
isRunning() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart.AbstractProcessStartEventBean
isRunning() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.eventstart.IProcessStartEventBean
True if the process start event bean was started.
isRunning() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.intermediateevent.IProcessIntermediateEventBean
True if the process intermediate event bean was started.
isSessionUserSystemUser() - Method in interface
Returns true if the current session user is the System User.
isSessionUserUnknown() - Method in interface
If this session is anonymous (e.g., no user has been authenticated within the session) then the session user is unknown.
isSessionUserUnknown() - Method in class
Returns true if the session user is not known thus an anonymous session.
isShowDetails() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.jsf.bean.error.ErrorPageMBean
Issue - Record Class in
isSupportedLanguage(Locale) - Method in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
useless. all languages are supported by any cms.
isSynchronizationRunning() - Method in interface
Is the synchronization of the internal security state with the state of the external security system running
isSystem() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.IApplication
Returns true if this application is the system application
isSystemProvided() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.IApplication
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
isSystemSession() - Method in class
Returns true if the session belongs to the system user otherwise false.
isSystemUser() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task.IActivator
Whether the activator is set and is the System user.
IStage - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.casemap.runtime.model
Provides information about a stage in a case map.
IStartableSideStep - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.casemap.runtime.model
Provides information about a sidestep.
IStartCustomFields - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.start
Customer specific additional information of a web startable.
IStartElement - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Interface of a start element
IStartEventElement - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Configuration of a start event element
IStartSignalEventElement - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.signal
A Signal Start element that is waiting for a signal pattern.
isTaskEvent() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.IWorkflowEvent
Returns true if this event belongs to a task, otherwise false
IStatelessRuleSession - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.rule.engine.api.runtime
isTemporary() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.File
Returns true, if this is a temporary file.
isTerminating() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.casemap.runtime.model.IStage
Returns true if this stage is a terminating stage.
isTrue() - Method in interface
Matches Boolean values that are true
isTrue() - Method in interface
Adds a filter condition that selects rows that match the condition.
isTrue() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.CaseQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
isTrue() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.SignalEventQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
isTrue() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskBoundarySignalEventReceiverQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
isTrue() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IBoolFilterQuery
ISubCases - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.businesscase
Cases that belong to a business case.
ISubProcessStart - Interface in
isUpdatedOnStart() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.GroupByQuery
isUpdatedOnStart() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IFilterableColumns
Prepares a where statement for the column IsUpdatedOnStart.
Must be followed by a call to a condition method.
isUpdatedOnStart() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IGroupByQueryColumns
Groups the result of the query by the field IsUpdatedOnStart.
isUpdatedOnStart() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query.TaskQuery.IOrderByQueryColumns
Adds an order by statement for the column IsUpdatedOnStart in the default direction ascending.
To change the order to descending use isUpdatedOnStart().descending()
isUpToDate(T) - Method in interface
Checks if the given business data value is up-to-date.
isUsedByRunningTask() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITaskElement
isUsedByRunningTask() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITaskEnd
isUsedByRunningTask() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.ITaskStart
isUser() - Method in interface
Is this member a user
isUser() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task.IActivator
Whether the activator is set and is a user
isUser(IUser) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task.IActivator
Whether the activator is set and is the given user.
isValid() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.value.VersionRange
isValid() - Method in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
isValid() - Method in interface
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
not supported anymore. returns always true.
isValid() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Xml
Determines whether this is a valid document (or part of a valif document).
isValid() - Method in interface
isValid() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.businesscase.StageId
isVersionInRange(QualifiedVersion) - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.value.VersionRange
isVisible() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.IStartElement
Is this start element visible in the workflow list of the workflow ui
isWaitingForSignal() - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.signal.ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver
A task boundary signal event receiver waits on a signal if: The signal is not yet received. The attached task is not done or destroyed.
isWorkDay(Date) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.calendar.IBusinessCalendar
Checks whether a date is a working day or not.
isWorkTime(DateTime) - Method in interface ch.ivyteam.ivy.application.calendar.IBusinessCalendar
Checks whether a date time is a working time or not.
ISynchronizableSecuritySystem - Interface in
ISystemEventDispatcher - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.event
Implemented by the system event dispatcher.
ISystemEventDispatcher.DispatchStatus - Enum Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.event
Status of the event dispatch.
ISystemEventListener - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.event
Must be implemented by classes that are interested in receiving SystemEvents.
ISystemProperty - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.system
A system wide engine property
ISystemPropertyProvider - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.application
ITask - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A task is a work unit in a process that is worked by a single user
ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.signal
A task with an attached Signal Boundary Event element that is waiting for a signal pattern.
ITaskElement - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A process element where tasks are started, ended or joined
ITaskEnd - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A place where a tasks are ended
ITaskQueryExecutor - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.query
ITaskRequest - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.request
This is an interface for all requests running in task environment on ivy
ITasks - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.task
Provides access to the tasks of a case.
ITaskStart - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A place where tasks are started
ITaskSwitchEvent - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A task switch is an event where tasks are joined and new tasks are created.
iterator() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.List
iterator() - Method in class ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.objects.Tree
Creates and returns an iterator that traverses the subtree rooted at this node in preorder.
IUiFieldEditor - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.extension.ui
A UI field created on an UiEditorExtension.
IUser - Interface in
A user
IUserAbsence - Interface in
An absence defines an absence of a user.
IUserProcessExtension - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.extension
This interface must be implemented by user process extensions (e.g.
IUserQueryExecutor - Interface in
IUserRepository - Interface in
User repository to create, delete, find, query users of a security context (application)
IUserSubstitute - Interface in
A substitute defines a user which substitutes an other user for a certain role or personally
IUserToken - Interface in
The user token interface provides some methods for testing if a user can act as (another) certain user or has a certain role.
Ivy - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.environment
This class defines the Java API to get access to all relevant environment data of ivy.
ivy.webservice.process.internal.classpath - package ivy.webservice.process.internal.classpath
IvyAsyncRunner - Class in ch.ivyteam.util.threadcontext
Runs async code in the Ivy context which was active while the runner was created.
This allows the execution of code that runs against the ivy API in a any thread pool.
IvyAsyncRunner() - Constructor for class ch.ivyteam.util.threadcontext.IvyAsyncRunner
Creates the runner.
IvyBeanUtil - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.util
Utility class to convert java beans from one type to another type.
IvyExceptionMapper - Class in
Handles any Throwable that occurs during REST invocations and returns the error as simple JSON.
IvyFreyaTheme - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.jsf.primefaces.theme
Session bean for the access to the freya theme.
IvyJSP - Class in
Used within JSP pages to access the environment and process data of the current process.
IvyJSP() - Constructor for class
Creates a new IvyJSP instance.
IvyKeystore.Cert - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.ssl.restricted
IvyMemberVariableProvider.ScriptVar - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.vars
IvyPrimefacesThemeResolver - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.jsf.primefaces.theme
IvyProcessTest - Annotation Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec.client
Provides JUNIT test API to interact with ivy processes.
IvyProjectVersion - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.project
IvyRuntime - Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.runtime
Provides information about the Axon Ivy Runtime Environment
IvyScriptAnnotationInfo - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.streamInOut
IvyScriptCastException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
IvyScript exception thrown if an attempt is made for an impossible cast.
IvyScriptConstructorInvocationException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
An IvyScript-Exception thrown if a called constructor throws an exception.
IvyScriptConstructorNotFoundException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
Exception thrown by IvyScript if default initialization is not possible.
IvyScriptException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions
The base exception class for IvyScript.
IvyScriptExpression - Record Class in ch.ivyteam.ivy.process.model.element.value
IvyScriptFieldNotFoundException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
Exception thrown if it is tryed to access a non existing field.
IvyScriptInitializationException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
Exception thrown by IvyScript if a constructor is not found.
IvyScriptInvocationException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
An ivyScriptException thrown if a called Java-Function throws an exception.
IvyScriptMethodInvocationException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
An IvyScript-Exception thrown if a called method throws an exception.
IvyScriptVariableAlreadyDeclaredException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
Exception thrown if it is tryed to declare an already declared variable in a context.
IvyScriptVariableNotFoundException - Exception in ch.ivyteam.ivy.scripting.exceptions.invocation
Exception thrown if it is tryed to access a non existing variable.
IvySecurityException - Exception in
Base class of all exception thrown by the security package
IvyTest - Annotation Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.environment
Provides JUNIT support for ivy environment variable
IWebserviceClientCodeGenerator.CodegenOpts - Record Class in
IWebServiceProcess - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Holds configuration information about a web service process in a PMV.
IWebServiceProcessStartElement - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Configuration of a web service process start element.
IWebStartable - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow.start
A IWebStartable can be started from an end user over the web.
IWorkflowContext - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
The workflow context gives you access to all tasks and cases of all users of an security context.
IWorkflowEvent - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Holds information about a event / operation that was done with a wf object (task or case)
IWorkflowProcessModelVersion - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
Workflow specific extension of the IProcessModelVersion interface
IWorkflowSession - Interface in ch.ivyteam.ivy.workflow
A workflow session extends a security session with workflow functionality.
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