All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract base class that implements the IProcessExtension interface.
Abstract implementation of a process intermediate event bean.
Abstract implementation of a process start event bean.
Abstract base class that implements the IUserProcessExtension interface.
The activity operation state.
The activity state.
Altitude of a geo-position.
Angle of a Longitude or Latitude.
Use the AppFixture to temporary change the active environment or variables of an application in tests.
Authentication exception is thrown if authentication fails
Marker interface for all auto initializable beans in Html Dialgos (JSF).
A Binary objects is a wrapper object for a byte array.
Operations to filter Boolean fields
BPM engine client that allows to drive bpmn process workflows with fluent API.
A BPM process element.
A process element but also process element selector
Provides information about an error that occured in the process.
Defines names of attributes that are available on errors with certain error codes
Base class of all BpmError builders
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use IBpmnProcessElementUi instead.
A BPM process.
An element in a process.
Builder to create BpmError
Provides information about a call to a callable process.
Link to Business Case
The BusinessCaseStage represents a stage of a case map and allows to get locale specific information of such an entry, like a name.
Information about a business data value in the BusinessDataRepository.
Repository for business data infos.
Defines a filter for BusinessDataInfo
Migrates the legacy Business Data JSON values to the latest version.
Entry point for the Business Data feature.
Business data values can be stored and loaded from the repository.
Business data values are typically data classes or Java objects.
Interface that is used to provide an update method See BusinessDataRepository.update(Object, BusinessDataUpdater)
A BusinessDuration represents an amount of time which is defined as working time.
Sends a business notification
Define the way to start your process.
CacheAllRemoveUnusedAdvisor.LastUsage<C extends ch.ivyteam.ivy.persistence.cache.ICacheUsage>
Business state of the case.
Result of a case map start.
The properties of a case
Provides a query builder to query case data of the current workflow context.
Provides methods to perform aggregations on the query.
Provides filter functionality for a CaseBusinessState column of ICase
Provides filter functionality for a CaseState column of ICase
Basic filter functionality provider for a column of ICase
Provides aggregation functionality for custom fields of ICase.
Provides filter functionality for custom fields of ICase.
Provides grouping functionality for custom fields of ICase.
Provides ordering functionality for custom fields of ICase.
Provides filter functionality for a date column of ICase
Provides filter functionality for ICase
Links a where condition with another.
Provides filter functionality for ICase
Provides methods to group the result by certain fields.
Provides filter functionality for an integer column of ICase
Provides filter functionality for a decimal number column of ICase
Provides methods to order the result by columns of ICase.
Provides filter functionality for columns of ICase that can be filter by string patterns (isLike)
Provides filter functionality for a string column of ICase
Provides filter functionality for a WorkflowPriority column of ICase
The state of the case
The Category represents a hierarchical entry of a category path and allows to get locale specific information of such an entry, like a name.
This class implements a tree data model to manage Categories of Tasks or Cases, e.g.
Snapshot containing information about all sessions of a cluster.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
An CompositeObject is the base class for process data classes.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
directly bind your widgets to a config value via ExtensionUiBuilder.scriptField(String) or ExtensionUiBuilder.textField(String)
Content Management
Content Management System
Content Object
Accessory to children of a content object.
Content Object Meta
Content Object Reader
Content Object Type
Content Object Value
Accessory to the content object value.
Responsible to resolve the content object value.
Content Object Writer
Content resolver
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Adds the 'Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)' protection header to modifying REST requests.
The type of a custom field
Holds the configuration of a jdbc database connection.
Ivy Date objects have a year, a month and a day, but no day-time.
A Timestamp object.
Operations to filter DateTime fields
Distance between two positions
You can use this class in ivyScript if you want to provide an object in a Supplier.
Durations are a component of time intervals and define the amount of intervening time in a time interval.
Selects a process element
Selects a process element
Used as managed bean named errorPage within the JSF error page(s) to show information about the exception.
A common base class for representing codes divided by colons (:).
Executes some code like Runnable but can throw a checked Exception
Result of a bpm process execution
Execute operation
The facade to create custom UI widgets for Third-Party Editors on Programmable elements.
A builder to setup UI labels.
A builder to setup Ivy Script editors.
A builder to setup an input text field.
Common base features for all widget builders
Accessor to Feature configurations with common fail behavior for mandatory properties.
Field operation
Append another filter either using a text, number or date field or a sub filter or inverse a filter by using not.
A class for files; files are characterized by a path.
File Content Type
Boolean AND and OR operation and orderBy, limit, execute operations
Converts maps of FilterMeta to other data formats like list of FilterMeta.
Free non-recurring date.
A free day recurring every week.
Free day recurring every Year.
Free day relative to Easter Day.
Simplifies the definition of a de-serialization type for a REST response entity.
Geo-position defined by latitude, longitude, altitude.
State information about whether permissions in a group are granted or denied to a certain security member
Process elements that were executed
Authenticates the client with HTTP-Basic by adding the headers to the REST request.
Authenticates the client with HTTP-Basic by adding the headers to the SOAP request.
The credentials must be provided with the following properties: 'username' and 'password'
Authenticates the client with either HTTP-Basic or HTTP-Digest.
Authenticates the client with HTTP-Digest by adding the headers to the REST request.
Authenticates the client with HTTP-Digest by adding the headers to the SOAP request.
The credentials must be provided with the following properties: 'username' and 'password'
Controls the request method.
Provides access to the http response.
AccessControl is an entry in the access control list of a security descriptor.
An activator is a user or a role that can start a task.
The activity interface defines the state of activity of certain objects in the workflow engine
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use custom fields instead
This is an interface for all requests running in an application environment on ivy
This interface defines the API of an attribute map, i.e.
Extension point interface to provide the execution part of an 3rd party Ivy process element.
Process element types defined for 3rd party elements.
Extension point interface to provide the user interface part of an 3rd party Ivy process element.
Query sent signals.
Query Signal receivers.
Signal Starts (IStartSignalEventElement) or tasks of User Task elements that have attached Signal Boundary Event elements (ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver)
A service for sending and querying signals.
The IBusinessCalendar supports time calculations in business hours and days.
Defines the free days and working time of a IBusinessCalendar.
Reads, writes, creates and deletes IBusinessCalendarConfigurations
Every process that is started is a case.
A workflow case is an instance of a process.
Representation of a case map
Case Map Finder.
The ICaseMapService is the entry point to the case map related public API.
Case Map Starter.
Do not use this interface directly use IProcessExtensionConfigurationEditorEx instead.
The Ivy Content Management System (CMS).
ATTENTION: Do not annotate this class with @Deprecation otherwise you need to annotate IContentManagementSystem also! Otherwise the JDT compiler will make your workspace unusable! Or we may just fix: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.problem.ProblemReporter.deprecatedSinceValue(
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
You can use a custom field to store additional, customer specific information on a task and case.
Meta information about a custom field
Allows to query names of tasks and cases custom fields.
Custom field name query
Custom field name query result
You can use custom fields to store additional, customer specific information on a task and/or case.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Ivy.var()
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Ivy.var()
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
use Ivy.var()
A Data Cache is a container for data cache groups and therefore as well for data cache entries.
Runtime context for clients to access data caches in its scope.
A data cache entry represents an entity that is cached by the Data Cache API.
A group for data caches entries to sort similar entries in one place.
The default business calendar represents the default IBusinessCalendar used in the current context.
A document that can be attached to a case or is managed by a workflow context.
Provides methods to read the content of a document.
Provides methods to write the content of a document.
Provides methods to handle documents.
Use this to configure threads that should be started if the event bean is started and stopped if the bean is stopped.
The extensible process element factory can be used to declare new process elements that are based on extensible process elements like program interface, start event or intermediate event elements.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Use ch.ivyteam.ivy.bpm.exec.IBpmnProcessElement instead.
Extensions interface provides access to the user to some ivy extensions
Executor for a built Query.
The interface of the var attribute of the ivy class.
Task and Case context for all applications of a server.
Disables all policy verifications on client side.
Allows to disable specific policies.
The disabled policies can be specified with the property 'policy.disabled' as a comma-separated list of form 'namespaceURI:policy'.
A group.
The IHtmlDialogContext specifies the interface of the ivy.html environment variable.
This is an interface for all http request handled by ivy
This is an interface for all http responses handled by ivy
An intermediate event
Intermediate event element
A interface for objects admissible in IvyObjects and Lists.
An Interface which offers all persistence methods to an process developer.
Third party can use this extension point to add classes from bundles to the compile class path of an ivy project to the ivy project class loader, so that the classes can be loaded through the project class loader
Interface used to control query execution for the persistence API.
This class represents a context to execute instructions.
This is the interface all ivy script instructions must implement which the IvyScriptEngine is able to execute.
Library belongs to an application.
Specification of a required library
Specification of the version of a required library
An interface that is implemented by classes that can be started and stopped.
Provides localized task and case names and descriptions.
A location of a user or task.
The type of a ILocation
Provides location (geo-position and address) information for a user or task
API for logging messages with different levels.
Security member repository to find security members
This is a marker interface for all event beans that can run on numerous nodes in a cluster at the same time (as opposed to beans that are only allowed to run on the master node).
A note
All workflow classes that implement this interface are able to handle notes.
To ease the migration of old Primefaces 7 DefaultStreamedContents, you can use this helper class in the builder as InputStream supplier
The state of an intermediate event
Intermediate event property
Defines the action that should happen if a intermediate event timeouts.
Iterate or stream over results that are read page wise from the system database.
Iterate, stream or read results in pages.
A permission is a right to do something
The permission access descripes if a security member is granted or denied a certain permission.
Permission groups can be used to organise permission in groups and hierarchies
The permission group access describes whether a security member is granted or denied the permissions of a certain permission group.
The interface of the persistence attribute of the ivy variable.
Use one of the methods to defined how often or when the IProcessStartEventBean.poll() or IProcessIntermediateEventBean.poll() method should be called
Base interface of the process extension interfaces
The process extension configuration editor can access its environment over this interface.
The interface of a configuration editor of a process extension (e.g IUserProcessExtension).
Interface that must be implemented by process intermediate event bean.
The process intermediate event bean runtime is the API for the intermediate event bean to access its environment and to fire events.
The result of a process intermediate event firing
This is an interface for all process requests handled on ivy
Starts the process that belongs to the start event element this bean was configured on and will execute the first task of it.
Interface that must be implemented by process start event bean.
Process start event bean runtime gives an event bean access to its environment
A response for a process start event request
A property
A property
Base interface for all properties
A property filter can be used for filtering workflow objects by their properties.
Executes a business query queries and provides different types of results (business object, result sets, count).
Result of a query.
This is common interface for all requests handled by ivy
Process Request identifier.
This is the common interfaces for all responses returned by ivy
REST clients of this application.
A security Role.
Test if the user of this user token currently owns roles.
Role repository to find and create and delete roles.
Provide methods to get users that own a role by: directly assigned to it (IRoleUsers.assignedPaged(), IRoleUsers.assignedPaged(int)) directly assigned to it or assigned to a child role or member role (IRoleUsers.allPaged(), IRoleUsers.allPaged(int)). Method
Execute rules on data objects.
Responsible for building an IRuleExecutor to execute rules on data objects.
Represents a file which is loaded into the rule base.
The security is responsible to manage users, roles, security members and sessions.
Security constants
The security context is responsible to manage users, roles and sessions.
A Security Descriptor is used to decide if a session has a permission to do something.
A security descriptor type
Base interface for IUser and IRole.
A server extension is a object that is instantiate and started during the server start and is stopped during the server stop.
A session holds information about a user who interacts with ivy.
Session repository to create, destroy and find sessions.
A task that has been started by a signal.
A signal event that was sent.
Provides information about a stage in a case map.
Provides information about a sidestep.
Customer specific additional information of a web startable.
Interface of a start element
Configuration of a start event element
A Signal Start element that is waiting for a signal pattern.
Cases that belong to a business case.
Implemented by the system event dispatcher.
Status of the event dispatch.
Must be implemented by classes that are interested in receiving SystemEvents.
A system wide engine property
A task is a work unit in a process that is worked by a single user
A task with an attached Signal Boundary Event element that is waiting for a signal pattern.
A process element where tasks are started, ended or joined
A place where a tasks are ended
This is an interface for all requests running in task environment on ivy
Provides access to the tasks of a case.
A place where tasks are started
A task switch is an event where tasks are joined and new tasks are created.
A UI field created on an UiEditorExtension.
A user
An absence defines an absence of a user.
This interface must be implemented by user process extensions (e.g.
User repository to create, delete, find, query users of a security context (application)
A substitute defines a user which substitutes an other user for a certain role or personally
The user token interface provides some methods for testing if a user can act as (another) certain user or has a certain role.
This class defines the Java API to get access to all relevant environment data of ivy.
Runs async code in the Ivy context which was active while the runner was created.
This allows the execution of code that runs against the ivy API in a any thread pool.
Utility class to convert java beans from one type to another type.
Handles any Throwable that occurs during REST invocations and returns the error as simple JSON.
Session bean for the access to the freya theme.
Used within JSP pages to access the environment and process data of the current process.
Provides JUNIT test API to interact with ivy processes.
Provides information about the Axon Ivy Runtime Environment
IvyScript exception thrown if an attempt is made for an impossible cast.
An IvyScript-Exception thrown if a called constructor throws an exception.
Exception thrown by IvyScript if default initialization is not possible.
The base exception class for IvyScript.
Exception thrown if it is tryed to access a non existing field.
Exception thrown by IvyScript if a constructor is not found.
An ivyScriptException thrown if a called Java-Function throws an exception.
An IvyScript-Exception thrown if a called method throws an exception.
Exception thrown if it is tryed to declare an already declared variable in a context.
Exception thrown if it is tryed to access a non existing variable.
Base class of all exception thrown by the security package
Provides JUNIT support for ivy environment variable
Holds configuration information about a web service process in a PMV.
Configuration of a web service process start element.
A IWebStartable can be started from an end user over the web.
The workflow context gives you access to all tasks and cases of all users of an security context.
Holds information about a event / operation that was done with a wf object (task or case)
Workflow specific extension of the IProcessModelVersion interface
A workflow session extends a security session with workflow functionality.
Feature to map responses and requests JSON formatted entities to Java objects.
Latitude of a geo-position.
use LazyDataModel.
Limit and execute operations
A class for typed lists.
Creates a new location.
Query to search locations.
Extends the log4j Logger to expand the Logger's interface.
Longitude of a geo-position.
ID of Azure or User Principal Name
Describes the MigrationEngines being involved in the current migration.
Mocks process elements for testing.
Provides the input (in) and the output (out) variables so that a tester can map data from in to out and also setups new data on out.
A mocked Call/UI operation
Mocks the Call/UI part of an call or UI element
Who has and when was a document created or modified
An abstract basis class for Ivy objects containing other objects.
Holds information about a new role to create.
Builder for NewRole
Holds information about the new user to create.
Builds NewUser objects
Feature to provide NTLM authentication to REST client calls.
Web Service feature class to add support for Microsoft's NT LAN Manager (NTLM) client authentication.
The credentials must be provided with the following properties: 'username', 'password' and 'NTLM.domain' (optional) 'NTLM.workstation' (optional) 'NTLM.challenge' (optional): default=true Note: This feature does not work in conjunction with feature ch.ivyteam.ivy.webservice.exec.cxf.feature.ProxyFeature.
Operations to filter Number fields
Filter to simplify OAUTH2 authorization flows.
Requests a OAuth2 bearer access token
The authentication context to be used to fire an 'accessToken' request.
Provides OAUTH2 authentication URIs with Rest Client property support.
Provides URIs to the OAUTH2 authority.
Configures the OAuth2BearerFilter to use a static pre-configured accessToken URI.
orderBy operation
Order by field
Order by field operations and limit/execute operations
Order by ascending or descending operations and limit/execute operations.
Defines the order direction
Path of a document.
Persistency Exception is thrown from the methods of the persistency sub system
Persistency Exception that is thrown if an persistent object cannot be reread from the database because it has been deleted
The Unique ID of a process {BaseElement entity}.
Process data of all process elements that were executed.
A path to start a process / or part of a process from outside of the engine.
Configuration of a programmed element.
Defines how to order a workflow object after a certain property
Sends the Web Service call through a proxy server.
The proxy server settings can be provided with the following properties: '', 'proxy.port' 'proxy.nonProxyHosts' (optional)
Represents a full qualified version (e.g.
Search for business data values using different filters for text, number and date fields.
Base class for all business objects queries.
Records are rows in DB tables.
A Recordset is a data structure corresponding to a table from a a database.
Reference resolver
Relational operators
The release state of a Process Model Version
Setups and executes requests to run against the IBpmEngine.
The base class for all request exceptions
Factory that create responses
Search query result.
This class provides the Java API to access all the features of the Rule engine.
Category of the runtime log
Holds a scored result value
Scored query allows to build Google like queries.
Scored query filter
Scored text field operations allows to build Google like queries.
Defines the session that is used to execute the request
Contains information about a session stored in a ClusterSessionsSnapshot
A Signal code or Signal pattern.
This class provides methods to perform aggregations on the query.
Links a where condition with another.
Provides methods to group the result by certain fields.
Provides methods to perform aggregations on the query.
Basic filter functionality provider for a column of ISignalEvent
Provides filter functionality for a date column of ISignalEvent
Links a where condition with another.
Provides methods to group the result by certain fields.
Provides filter functionality for an integer column of ISignalEvent
Provides filter functionality for a decimal number column of ISignalEvent
Provides methods to order the result by columns of ISignalEvent.
Provides filter functionality for columns of ISignalEvent that can be filter by string patterns (isLike)
Provides filter functionality for a string column of ISignalEvent
Provides methods to define the direction of the sorting either ascending or descending.
Provides methods to order the result by columns of ISignalEvent.
Class body to simplify implementations of a Value Object in Domain Driven Design manor.
Only use this Valve if you exclusively access Axon Ivy over the WebApplication Firewall.
Converts maps of SortMeta to other data formats like list of SortMeta or the first SortMeta.
Value object for stage id.
Start Parameter
Selects a string attribute of a BpmElement or BpmProcess
Controls the request method.
Find a sub process start, map parameters, call it and get the result.
Provide the result of the callable sub process that was executed
instead use SubProcessCall
Filter that can be used to search sub processes.
Scope of the search
Callable sub process request builder
Defines the session that is used to execute the sub process request
Defines type of substitution for IUserSubstitute
Executes code without permission checking.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
the listener is no longer supported.
Events that are created and sent by and through the ivy System, usually by calling ISystemEventDispatcher.sendSystemEvent(SystemEvent).
Possible categories for SystemEvent objects.
Defines the behaviour in case a system task fails.
Links a where condition with another.
Provides methods to perform aggregations on the query.
Basic filter functionality provider for a column of ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver
Links a where condition with another.
Provides methods to group the result by certain fields.
Provides filter functionality for an integer column of ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver
Provides filter functionality for a decimal number column of ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver
Provides methods to order the result by columns of ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver.
Provides filter functionality for columns of ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver that can be filter by string patterns (isLike)
Provides filter functionality for a string column of ITaskBoundarySignalEventReceiver
Business state of the task.
The kind of task element
The identifier of a task.
The properties of a task
Provides a query builder to query task data of the current workflow context.
Links a where condition with another.
Provides methods to perform aggregations on the query.
Provides filter functionality for a boolean column of ITask
Basic filter functionality provider for a column of ITask
Provides aggregation functionality for custom fields of ITask.
Provides filter functionality for custom fields of ITask.
Provides grouping functionality for custom fields of ITask.
Provides ordering functionality for custom fields of ITask.
Provides filter functionality for a date column of ITask
Provides filter functionality for ITask
Links a where condition with another.
Provides filter functionality for ITask
Provides methods to group the result by certain fields.
Provides filter functionality for an integer column of ITask
Provides filter functionality for a decimal number column of ITask
Provides methods to order the result by columns of ITask.
Provides filter functionality for columns of ITask that can be filter by string patterns (isLike)
Provides filter functionality for a string column of ITask
Provides filter functionality for a TaskBusinessState column of ITask
Provides filter functionality for a TaskState column of ITask
Provides filter functionality for a WorkflowPriority column of ITask
Select an active task of an execution result.
States of a workflow task
Task switch event properties
Operations to filter text (String) fields
Operations to filter text fields
Time objects represent a day-time in IvyScript.
A class for tree (nodes).
A class for a typed tuple.
Selects a process element by its type
A base class for Inscription-Editor extension contributors to Programmable elements.
Describes the state of already analyzed users during the current synchronization run.
This class represents the result of a user asynchronous process extension perform method.
Fluent API to query IUser.
Provides filter functionality for IUser
Provides boolean filter functionality for a complex column of IUser
Basic filter functionality provider for a column of IUser
Provides filter functionality for IUser
Links a where condition with another.
Provides filter functionality for IUser
Provides methods to group the result by certain fields.
Provides filter functionality for an integer column of IUser
Provides filter functionality for a decimal number column of IUser
Provides methods to order the result by columns of IUser.
Provides filter functionality for columns of IUser that can be filter by string patterns (isLike)
Provides filter functionality for a string column of IUser
Provides methods to define the direction of the sorting either ascending or descending.
Contains the result of a user synchronization.
Final status of the synchronization.
This interface provides meta information for a variable.
The interface of the var attribute of the ivy class.
Version of the Axon Ivy runtime
Part of a version range (minimum or maximum version)
A version range
Value object which provides methods to handle a web link (aka URI or URL).
A WebServiceClientFeature dynamically extends a WebServiceClient.
A WebServiceClientFeatureContext provides context informations for the feature itself.
Days of the week
Workflow data like task, case and session
CancelBean for reset your current Task and redirection to a DefaultPage.
Workflow event kinds
The properties of the workflow event
The priority of a task or case
This class is a factory for SystemEvents with the category SystemEventCategory.WORKFLOW.
The parameter object which is sent along with SystemEvents that are created with the WorkflowSystemEvent.
Defines a time span during the day when work is done.
Authenticates the client with Web Service Security (WSS) - UsernameToken.
Used by the CSLXmlClass to hold the data of the sys objects of the Xml class.