Portal Multi Language

The document translation shows how easy it has become, to translate from the pure text, into the language of your end user. Say goodbye to language barriers in process automation with Axon Ivy’s translation service powered by DeepL.

HowTo: Enable the translation

To use DeepL powered translations:

  • Open Admin Settings, set Portal.DeepL.Enable to true.

  • Get a free developer account from DeepL.com, then copy the API-Key of your account into this Portal setting: Portal.DeepL.AuthKey.

HowTo: Translate a pure text


The Portal translation only works if both Portal.DeepL.Enable is set to true and Portal.DeepL.AuthKey contains a valid key.

Otherwise, you can translate the input text field manually.

  1. If any input text field is supported the translation, a translator icon will be shown. For example, let’s create a private dashboard. Then, click on the translator icon.


  2. A Setting multiple languages dialog is shown.


  3. Click on the input text field of a foreign language to have it translated by DeepL. To accept the translated text, clicking on Auto. translation.
