

The Axon Ivy Portal Dashboard is the first page you encounter after successful login. You can always get back to the dashboard using the Dashboard link in the Axon Ivy Portal navigation menu. Alternatively, you can click on the logo image at the top left of the header.

The dashboard itself contains a set of widgets arranged on the page, according to the defined standards in your company.


The following default widgets are available:

  1. Task list widget: This widget displays relevant task information according to defined settings.

  2. Case list widget: This widget displays relevant case information according to defined settings.

  3. Process list widget: This widget displays available process starts. You can choose between different formats.

  4. Process viewer widget: This widget provides a visual representation of the process flow.

  5. Statistic chart widget: This widget provides graphical display of statistical data.

  6. Welcome widget: This widget greets the user based on the local time and enables a friendlier approach.

  7. News feed widget: This widget shares relevant information as a News Feed into Axon Ivy.

  8. External page widget: This widget displays an external webpage on your dashboard.

  9. Notifications widget: This widget displays all Notifications based on your notification settings.

In addition, a developer can provide custom widgets to add relevant project information to your dashboard.

Task list widget, Case list widget, Process list widget (compact mode) has the following standard features:

  • Saved filters and Filter options


  • Widget information


If you have the permission, you can re-size, re-arrange, create, or delete widgets using the Edit button in the upper right corner of your dashboard:


In edit mode, you can:

  • Move widgets using drag-and-drop: click on the widget you want to move and drop again. Helper lines will support you.

  • Edit existing widgets: the configuration panel for a specific widget will open to edit it.

  • Delete existing widgets: the widget will be deleted.

  • Add new widgets: a wizard will guide you through creating and adding new widgets to your dashboard.

  • Reset to the standard dashboard: Do you want to undo your changes? Just reset to the default dashboard.

Add a new widget

To add a new widget in the edit mode, press on the + Add widget button and select one of the available widgets to add:


Task list widget

Adding a task list widget will give you total flexibility about what you want to see and how.


Configuration panel

On the left side, define the widget name, establish the main configuration for your widget, and get a preview of it by clicking on the preview button.


To set multi languages for the widget title, see at Portal Multi Language:

Table configuration panel

Edit the default sort order of the table rows by clicking on the column headers and define the order of the columns as well as the displayed set of columns by clicking on the link Manage Columns at the top right. You get the following dialog:


In the column management panel, you will find two sections:

  1. Add field section: add any available field to your widget table

  2. Columns section: configure the widget table itself as follows:

    • Enable visibility

    • Reorder the columns by drag and drop using the arrows move-expand-vertical

    • Remove columns

Portal supports to display custom case fields within the task list.


Excel export

You can export all data of the task widget by clicking on the link Export to Excel at the bottom left corner of the widget information panel.


If the number of exported tasks exceed the maximum row number of the Excel file, Portal will separate data into multiple Excel files and put them into a single zip file.

Case list widget

Adding a case list widget will give you total flexibility about what you want to see and how.


Configuration panel

On the left side, you can define the widget name, establish the main configuration for your widget, and get a preview of it by clicking on the preview button.


Table configuration panel

This panel allows you to:

  • Edit the default sort order of the table rows by clicking on the column headers

  • define the order of the columns

  • define the displayed set of columns by clicking on the link Manage Columns at the top right. You get the following dialog:


In the table configuration panel, you find two sections:

  1. Add field section: add any available field to your widget table

  2. Columns section: configure the widget table itself as follows:

    • Enable visibility

    • Reorder the columns by drag and drop using the arrows move-expand-vertical

    • Remove columns

Excel export

You can export all data of the case widget by clicking on the link Export to Excel at the end of the widget information panel.


If the number of exported cases exceed the maximum row number of the Excel file, Portal will separate data into multiple Excel files and put them into a single zip file.

Process list widget

There are four process widget modes available:

  • Combined mode

  • Compact mode

  • Full mode

  • Image mode


Combined mode

This widget displays the selected process start and all related cases and tasks combined in one single widget. This widget configuration will help you find tasks specifically to a particular process:


Compact mode

This widget displays a list of all selected process starts. You can sort your processes by index, alphabetical order or custom order. You can change your custom order by drag and drop the processes.


Full mode

You can create a widget with a card layout including an icon for a single process.


Image mode

You can create a widget with a card layout, including a nice picture for a single process.


Process viewer widget

You can define the widget name and process to be displayed.

  • Configuration of a process viewer widget:


  • This is sample output of the widget configured above:


Statistic chart widget

You can select the chart to be displayed.

  • Configuration of a statistic chart widget:


  • This is the sample output of the widget configured above:


Welcome widget

You can define a welcome widget with a background image and a welcome text.


News feed widget

You can define a news feed widget to display all news entries to the user

  • Configuration of the news feed widget:


  • This is sample output of the widget configured above:


Manage news feed content


Grant permission 🔑NewsManagement to allow a user to manage the content of the news feed.

If the user has permission, then the user can:

  • Add news message: add a new entry for the news feed by clicking Add News: button.

  • Edit news message: edit an existing entry for the list by clicking on the edit-icon icon in the lower right corner of each entry.

  • Delete news message: delete entry directly from the list, by clicking on the trash-icon icon in the lower right corner of each entry.

The Manage News dialog.



In manage news, the user can:

  1. Create one entry in multiple languages. When creating the entry, the user can switch between the available languages with a click on the tab view header.

  2. Translate the title by clicking on the input label. Translate the content by clicking on the translate-icon icon.

  3. Choose an icon for the news by clicking directly on the icon, the Icon browser browser will be shown.

  4. Define the news title. Its length is limited to 200 characters.

  5. Provide news content, i.e., the main information for the newsfeed. The content is limited to 1000 characters, max.

After setting up everything, simply click on the Share this dashboard link at the bottom of your dashboard to share it with colleagues.

External page widget

You enter an URL to embed an external webpage into the Portal dashboard.


Notifications widget

You can define a Notifications widget to display all Notifications based on your notification settings.


  • This is the sample output of the widget configured above:
