Full Task List

The Full Task List page shows you the tasks, as well as, advanced search and filter capabilities. You can reach the page by using the task-list-icon Tasks link in the Axon Ivy Portal menu.


Depending on the roles you hold in the application and the configuration of the Axon Ivy Portal, you might see not only the tasks belonging to you but all open tasks.

Visibility tasks assigned to roles depending on state:

  • Open: Visible for all members

  • In Progress: Visible for all members, but “parked” for working user (no actions possible for other role members)

  • Done: Visible for all members


On the top of the Full Task List page you see next to the heading Tasks in brackets the overall number of tasks shown to you. Below you find the filter feature. The usage will be explained in the HowTo’s further down this chapter. Finally, you see the list of tasks.

For each task the following key information is shown in the list:

  1. Priority

  2. Name and Description

  3. Responsible user or role

  4. Task ID

  5. Creation Date

  6. Expiry Date

  7. Status


Furthermore, at the end of each row you find a side step menu of key features in handling tasks:

  1. Reset Task

  2. Delegate Task

  3. Reserve

  4. Destroy Task

  5. Trigger Escalation Task

  6. Add Ad-hoc Task

Finally, you have the possibility to access the full set of the task data by clicking on the row containing the task Name and Description.

The task details are separated into 3 different sections:

  1. Data and description, you find various metadata concerning the task and the respective case it is related to.


  2. Histories, you may add additional notes which are described below


  3. Documents, these documents once attached to the case are available on all tasks. You may add or delete documents described in the HowTo’s below.



HowTo: Use existing filter


If there are no public filters and you didn’t create any filters so far, there might be no filters available. In this case, you must create a filter first. This is described in detail in HowTo: Create new filter.

  1. Click on the Save Filter dropdown menu.

  2. Select the filter you want to use.

HowTo: Create new filter

  1. Click on the button More to select one of the available filters. For a list of available filters, see Task filter.

  2. Click on the newly added filter and configure it.

  3. Add more filters by clicking on the button Filter again.

  4. Drop filters by clicking on the delete-circle-icon icon next to the filter.

  5. When finished defining your filter, click on the button Save filter.

  6. The Save filter dialog is opened.

  7. Under Filter name, provide a recognizable name for the filter.

  8. Under Filter visibility, you can select if the filter is only visible for you or shall be available to all users.

  9. Save the filter by clicking the button Ok.


Task filter




The filter lets you specify the task identify number


The filter lets you specify the task name

Completed on (from / to)

This filter lets you specify task complete period.

Created (from / to)

This filter lets you specify in which time period the task was created.


This filter lets you search for keywords within the task description.

Expiry (from / to)

Thisfilter lets you specify in which time period the task will expire.


This filter lets you specify the priority of the tasks to be shown.


This filter lets you specify a user or role which is responsible for the task.


This filter lets you specify the task state.


This filter lets you specify the task category.

Missing Activator

This filter is only for Admin and lets you find tasks which have no activator, activator is not found or is disabled.


  1. You can create a new filter by selecting an existing filter, reconfiguring it, and saving it.

  2. Only users with the admin role AXONIVY_PORTAL_ADMIN can save the filter for all users.

HowTo: Configure displayed tasks in the Full Task List

  1. To choose columns to display, click on Manage columns. Then you could choose displayed columns by checking the related checkboxes.

  2. To sort data, click on the column header. To change sort direction, click on that column header one more time. Note that some columns do not support sorting.

HowTo: Move and Resize Widgets in Task Details

  1. Open the task details of a task

  2. Click on the Edit button to drag, drop and resize widgets.


  3. Click on the Save button to save current state of page and switch to readonly mode.


  4. Click Reset button to reset to default configuration.


HowTo: Attach a document to the case

  1. Open the task details of a task

  2. Click the link add-icon Add document

  3. The Add document dialog is opened

  4. Upload a file by using the Select button or by simply dragging the file into the dialog

  5. Click the button Close to close the dialog


HowTo: Remove an attachment from the case

  1. Open the task details of a task

  2. Click on the delete-icon button next to the attachment you want to remove

  3. A confirmation dialog is opened

  4. Confirm the deletion with the button Delete


HowTo: Add a note to a task

  1. Open the task details of a task

  2. Click on the link add-icon Add note below the notes section

  3. The Add note dialog is opened

  4. Enter your note

  5. Confirm your note by clicking the button Save


HowTo: Export a task history

  1. Open the task details of a task

  2. Click on the link show-more-icon Show more below the notes section


  3. A new page with the task history is opened

  4. You may export the history by clicking on the button Export to Excel


HowTo: Show Workflow Events


User must to has permission WORKFLOW_EVENT_READ_ALL to see all workflow events of a task

  1. Open the task details of a task

  2. Click on the link Actions on the right top corner of the Data and Description section

  3. Click the link Workflow Events on the overlay panel to see Workflow Events dialog

Workflow Events dialog


HowTo: Export Task List

You may export the Task List by clicking on the button Export to Excel.
