Dashboard Configuration


Only users who have the permission DASHBOARD_WRITE_OWN or DASHBOARD_WRITE_PUBLIC can see and access the Dashboard Configuration user menu item. They can add, edit, reorder, show and hide the private or public dashboards.

Select the Dashboard Configuration user menu item.


The Dashboard Configuration page provides you with private and public dashboard configuration tabs depending on the permissions you hold in the application. The usage will be explained in the HowTo’s further down in this chapter.


Private dashboards configuration

The tab Private dashboards is only available for users who have the permission DASHBOARD_WRITE_OWN. Here you can add or edit your private dashboards, and reorder all dashboards visible to you.


How to: add private dashboard

  1. Select add-icon Add.

  2. Select one of the available templates to add (see Available dashboard templates).

  3. The Create new private dashboard dialog is opened.

  4. Enter the mandatory title and the optional description for the private dashboard.

  5. Create your private dashboard by selecting add-icon Create dashboard.

  6. Configure your private dashboard (see: Dashboard).

  7. Back on the dashboards list, you see that a new private dashboard has been added.


Available dashboard templates:



The list of private dashboards shows only the private dashboards that have been created by you.

How to: edit private dashboards

You can edit your private dashboards by selecting edit-icon Edit. The Edit private dashboard section shows your private dashboards.

A table of private dashboards is shown with the following information:

  1. Dashboard title

  2. Description

  3. Actions for further actions: edit-icon edit (name, description), settings-icon configure (see: Dashboards ), and trash-icon delete a private dashboard.


How to: reorder your dashboards

To access the reorder dashboards section, click on move-expand-vertical Reorder your dashboards. All dashboards that you can access will be listed, you can hide or show a dashboard by selecting the checkbox Visible, re-arrange dashboards by drag and drop using move-expand-vertical Reorder.

A table of private dashboards is shown with the following information:

  1. Dashboard title

  2. Dashboard type: type of dashboard (public or private).

  3. Visible: toggle visibility of dashboards.

  4. Reorder: re-arrange dashboards.

  5. Apply your changes by selecting Save.



  • This feature reorders both your private and all public dashboards visible to you.

  • The resulting re-arrangement of dashboards

    • is only visible to yourself.

    • overrides all re-orderings of public dashboards.


  • Once created, your personal sort order is retained.

  • Once you have created a personal sort order, you can rearrange the order, but you cannot delete your personal sort order.


If you create new private dashboards, or if new public dashboards are available to you, they are automatically added to the end of your personal sort order. New public dashboards are added in front of new private dashboards.

Public dashboards configuration

The tab Public dashboards is only available for users who have the permission DASHBOARD_WRITE_PUBLIC. Here you can add, edit, and reorder public dashboards.


How to: add public dashboard

  1. Select add-icon Add.

  2. Select one of the available templates to add (see Available dashboard templates).

  3. The Create new public dashboard dialog is opened.

  4. Enter the mandatory title, permissions to see the public dashboard and the optional description for the public dashboard.

  5. Create the public dashboard by selecting add-icon Create dashboard.

  6. Configuration public dashboard (see: Dashboard).

  7. Go back to the dashboards list to see that a new public dashboard has been added.


Available dashboard templates:



Depending on dashboard roles, you might see other public dashboards in the dashboards list.

How to: edit public dashboards

You can edit public dashboards by selecting edit-icon Edit. The Edit public dashboards section shows you the public dashboards.

A table of public dashboards is shown with the following information:

  1. Dashboard title

  2. Dashboard roles

  3. Description

  4. Actions for further actions: edit-icon edit (name, roles, and description), settings-icon configure (see: Dashboards ), and trash-icon delete a public dashboard.


How to: reorder public dashboards

To access the reorder public dashboards section, click on move-expand-vertical Reorder public dashboards. Here, all public dashboards are listed. You may re-arrange them by drag and drop using move-expand-vertical Reorder.

A table of public dashboards is shown with the following information:

  1. Dashboard title

  2. Dashboard type: type of dashboard (public).

  3. Reorder: re-arrange public dashboards.

  4. Apply your changes by selecting Save.



  • This feature reorders public dashboards only.

  • Note that this ordering does not apply to all users who ordered their dashboards (public and private) as detailed in the section How to: reorder your dashboards above. It is overridden by the personal ordering.