Migration notes

Migration notes

Portal connector is now integrated to Ivy engine as system application. No installation or conversion of Portal connector 5.0 is needed.

The Portal connector works only with the same ivy Engine with it was bundled with.

Open url : your engine/ivy/info/index.jsp?showSystemApp=true to check for available web services.

Migrate 7.0 to 7.1

The language parameter is added in the findCaseCategoryByCriteria in CaseService.

Migrate 6.x to 7.0

Property: DisableCustomMails is replaced with new property useCustomMails in UserSettingService.

If you are using DisableCustomMails, please change to use property useCustomMails and update your web service to adapt this change.

Migrate 6.5 to 6.6

Params: jsonQuery is added to TaskService (findCategories, findPersonalCategories, findGroupCategories, analyzePriorityStatistic, analyzeExpiryStatistic)

Migrate 6.x (x < 5) ... 6.5

Params: serverId, serverUrl, isNoConfigurationServer are removed, isUrlBuiltFromSystemProperties is added in ProcessStartService (findProcessesStartsByCriteria) and TaskService (findTasksByCriteria, delegateTask, parkTask, resetTask)

Param: serverId is removed in CaseService (findProcessesStartsByCriteria)