Portal dashboard


Portal Dashboard is a flexible page, user can add, remove and edit widgets filters. Users can custom layout just by drag & drop in multiple dashboards.

More, there is an easy way for users to predefine a lot of details for each dashboard, each widget such as predefined filters, columns, UI, and styles.

Available widgets of Portal dashboard

  • Task widget

  • Case widget

  • Process widget

  • Custom widget

You can predefine Portal dashboards, and details of each widget by configuring Global Variable Portal.Dashboard.

Define your own dashboards

Portal support multiple dashboards, they will be displayed as tabs.

You can predefine dashboards id, title, permissions to access, and widgets for each dashboard.

Below is a JSON example for the configuration of dashboards.

      "id": "default-dashboard",
      "title": "cms:/dashboard/DefaultDashboard",
      "widgets": [
            "type": "task",
            "id": "task_10",
            "layout": {
               "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 10, "h": 9,
               "styleClass": "your-widget-class"
            "type": "case",
            "id": "case_10",
            "layout": {
               "x": 0, "y": 10, "w": 10, "h": 9
      "id": "general-dashboard",
      "title": "General Dashboard",
      "permissions": ["Employee", "CIO", "#daniel"],
      "widgets": [
            "type": "task",
            "id": "task_20",
            "layout": {
               "x": 0, "y": 0, "w": 10, "h": 9

Structure of JSON for each dashboard:

id: ID for identifying dashboard

title: title of dashboard. You can input a string as dashboard title, or can use CMS by using prefix cms: before your CMS URI to define dashboard title in multilingual

permissions: roles can access the dashboard.


If you don’t define permissions for a dashboard, every user can see it.

widgets: definition of widgets dashboard. There are four types of widget task, case, process, and custom. Refer to the next sections to learn more about the configurations of each widget


Widget id must be unique between dashboards.

Configure dashboard widgets

Below are details of JSON configuration for each widget of the Portal dashboard. They will help you understand how to configure widget efficiency.


To quickly understand how the JSON of custom dashboard looks like.

  • Refer to variables.Portal.Dashboard.json file in portal-developer-examples/resources/files project.

  • Copy to the corresponding application folder located in the designer.

    • e.g: AxonIvyDesigner9.3.0/configuration/applications/designer

  • Start the process Start Processes/CreateTestData/CreateTestDataForCustomizedDashboard.ivp in portal-developer-examples project.

  • Open Portal new dashboard to check new custom layout.

About how to configure Variables, refer to Axon Ivy Variables