IFrame In Portal

Do you want to decouple your project and the Portal when starting a task to reduce your migration efforts? If the answer is yes, this chapter will help you.

Since Portal 8, we introduced a new feature that a process/task can be started inside an IFrame This means that you can design your HTML dialog independent of the Portal. It is rendered automatically inside an IFrame by default.

Templates to use with IFrame:

  1. frame-8 template (Provided by core, uses Serenity theme)

  2. frame-10 templates (Provided by core, uses Freya theme)

These templates fully support responsiveness.

How To Use


By default, i.e. if there is no configuration, a process/task is started inside an IFrame.

Follow these steps to use the IFrame approach:

  1. Your HTML User Dialog has to be independent of the Portal. You can use the frame-_x_ template in designer, or your own template. Portal will render it automatically in an IFrame.

  2. If you don’t want to use the default configuration, apply one of the following three levels to open your task(s) in an IFrame:

    • Task level: in Task custom fields, set the embedInFrame String field to

      • true: start inside IFrame

      • false: not start inside IFrame

      • Don’t set if you want to use case or engine level


    • Case level: in Case custom fields, set the embedInFrame String field to

      • true: start inside IFrame

      • false: not start inside IFrame

      • Don’t set if you want to use engine level


    • Engine level:

      • The Portal Administrator can define globally that all of the tasks running on the engine are started inside IFrames by using the Portal.EmbedInFrame Portal setting. refer to HowTo: Update Portal Settings

Configure template

Portal supports some layout options for the templates mentioned above.

  1. Task name: name of the working task.

  2. Process steps: Refer to Process Chain.

  3. Show Information: button to show Case details and other actions.


You can configure those options by using Javascript from your HTML dialog as follows:

   <ui:composition template="/layouts/frame-10.xhtml">
         window.processSteps = "Create Investment Request,Approve Investment Request";
         window.currentProcessStep = 0;
         window.currentProcessStep = #{data.currentProcessStep};
         window.isHideTaskName= false;
         window.isHideCaseInfo = false;
         window.isWorkingOnATask = false;
         window.taskName = "Your New Task Name";
         // Define task icon using Streamline or Awesome font
         window.taskIcon = "si si-arrow-right";

         // show case details of a case different from current case.
         window.caseId = "Case-Id";

         // Display content of the IFrame inside a card style.
         window.isCardFrame = true;

Configure Task name

By default, Portal uses the name of the working task.

Options for Task name




Custom text for Task name


Hide Task name, false (default) or true


   <ui:composition template="/layouts/frame-10.xhtml">
         window.taskName = "Your New Task Name";

Configure Show Information

When you click the Show Information button, Portal will show details of the running case in a modal dialog.

Options for Show Information

  • caseId: Case ID of the case you want to show in the modal dialog.

  • isHideCaseInfo: Hide the Show Information button




Hide Show Information button, false (default) or true


ID of case to be displayed in case information dialog


   <ui:composition template="/layouts/frame-10.xhtml">
         window.caseId = "Case-Id";

Configure Process steps

Process steps have many options to be configured from the list of steps to layout and shape.

Options for Process steps




current process step


list of process steps


shows all of steps on large screens, false (default) or true




LINE or CIRCLE (default)


When defining parameter processSteps, please make sure that you add this JSP function tag to your HTML dialog: xmlns:fn="http://xmlns.jcp.org/jsp/jstl/functions"


   <ui:composition template="/layouts/frame-10.xhtml">
         window.currentProcessStep = 0;
         window.processSteps = ["Create Investment Request", "Approve Investment Request"];
         window.processChainDirection = "VERTICAL";
         window.processChainShape = "LINE";

Other options

Various options can affect functions and layout.




hide task action button, false (default) or true


working on a task in order to display warning when leaving page, false or true (default)


false or true (default)


display content of the IFrame inside a card style


   <ui:composition template="/layouts/frame-10.xhtml">
         window.isHideTaskAction = true;
         window.isWorkingOnATask = false;

Developer tips

In case your project has a navigation button that does not complete a task, e.g.,Cancel, redirect in your HTML dialog to the page you want to display (i.e., default pages like application home, task list, process list, etc.)