Offline Tasks

Offline tasks are designed for use on a mobile device without connection to the Axon Ivy Engine. Typically the task data and the task forms are loaded during the synchronization with the Axon Ivy Engine and then handled locally by an app on a mobile device (e.g. a smartphone or a tablet). When the form is completed, the mobile app will transfer the entered form data to the server as soon as the connection to the workflow server is back again. In turn, this will resume the task and continue the process execution.

Offline Task in a Process

An Offline Task is generated, when the process engine executes a User Task whereon an Offline Dialog is configured.

The User Task element provides a different task handling than normal task switches do. On a User Task, when the form data (the actual dialog page) is requested, the corresponding task remains in state suspended. The task state will be changed to resumed when the form data is submitted. Compared to this, a normal Task must be resumed first and after that, an Html Dialog element that follows in process flow, will return the form data.

Comparison of the execution sequence


User Task element

Task Switch element followed by Html Dialog element

Task picked up from task list

  • Task state remains unchanged.

  • Dialog page from configured dialog is returned.

  • Task state changes to resumed.

  • Process flow continues to Html Dialog element. Dialog page from configured dialog is returned.

Form data submitted

  • Task state changes to resumed.

  • Form data is mapped to dialog data.

  • Dialog is closed, dialog data is mapped to process data.

  • Process execution continues in context of the workflow user that submitted the form.

  • Form data is mapped to dialog data.

  • Dialog is closed, dialog data is mapped to process data.

  • Process execution continues in context of the workflow user that resumed the task.


Offline Tasks can also be processed using a normal web browser as client. From a user’s perspective they can be processed almost like normal tasks.

Because of the different task handling of a User Task element, the session can be interrupted/terminated after the form data was loaded. Then the form can be processed offline. After reestablishing the connection and creating a new session, the form data can be submitted. This would not work with normal tasks, since they are reset, as soon as the corresponding session (the one that resumed the task) expires.


An offline aware application must manage the loading of the form data for required tasks, the presentation of the forms to the user during offline stages and the submission of the form data when the connection to the engine is established again. The Axon Ivy mobile app has full support for offline tasks.


Because the processing of an Offline Task may happen in parallel by several users, the task assignment should be set with caution. The form-submission of the first user will resume the task and continue the process. Subsequent form-submissions - from any user - will not be processed but responded with an error message.

Process elements that follow a User Task element will be executed in the context of the same task. An error during the execution of these elements will result as an error response to the form submission and the whole user task is set back to suspended.


Placing an Html Dialog element after an (Offline) User Task element is not a good idea, since it will not be handled correctly by an app that submitted the offline form. Generally it’s best practice to place a task switch (Task Switch element of another User Task) as soon as possible after a User Task element.

Offline Dialogs

An Offline Dialog is a special kind of HTML Dialog that warrants to be suitable for offline usage.

Ivy treats Offline Dialogs as separate view technology. Only when a User Task element is configured to use an Offline Dialog, it will generate Offline Tasks. Otherwise, normal tasks will be generated. From a technical point of view, an Offline Dialog is the same as a normal HTML Dialog. They both are User Dialogs built on top of the JSF technology.

Even though there is no technical restriction - like a validation or similar - an Offline Dialog must omit any features that requires an active server connection before form submission. So, not all JSF features can be used. It’s in the responsibility of the dialog developer to ensure the offline capability when developing an Offline Dialog.

Restrictions for the design of offline capable dialogs:

  • The view should not rely on server side state e.g. session attributes, because it is executed solely on the client.

  • The dialog data fields defined as persistent are held in the client view state. So, these fields, together with fields submitted in the form, are available in the dialog logic (methods and events). All other data fields are only available in the start method to initialize the dialog. Anywhere else in the dialog logic, they will be set to null.

  • Owed to the offline capability, Ajax requests to the server are not possible. E.g. auto complete, lazy loading

  • The entered data should be validated before form submission (Client Side Validation). If only server side validation is performed, the user will get a late feedback, expressed as synchronization error when switching from offline to online.


The layout and the styling of an offline capable dialog should consider the client device where it will run. Most probably it will be embedded in an mobile app on a device with a small touch-screen.


To avoid Ajax on form submission, a p:commandButton can be configured with the attribute ajax=”false”:

<p:commandButton value="Proceed" actionListener="#{logic.close}" ajax="false" />

Geo Location

The mobile app sends the current position of the mobile device to the server. This information is then stored in a location services that are available on the user that has worked with the mobile app and the tasks that have been worked on the mobile app.

Get latest position of a task:

import ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.GeoPosition;

GeoPosition taskPosition = ivy.task.locations().search().findLatest().getPosition();

Get latest position of a user:

import ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.GeoPosition;

GeoPosition userPosition = ivy.session.getSessionUser().locations().search().findLatest().getPosition();

The location service can also be used to store additional locations:

import ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.GeoPosition;
import ch.ivyteam.ivy.location.ILocation;

      .create(GeoPosition.inDegrees(47.171573, 8.516835))
      .withType("User Home")
      .withNote("My Home is my Castle")

More information can be found in the package ch.ivyteam.ivy.location. It defines the location service and types to create, store and manipulate location information and geo-positions.