CMS Structure

A Content Object is identified by its path which is expressed as an URI of the form /Labels/Common/CustomerName. The first / represents the root of the CMS whereas the rest forms a recursive tree of so called Content Objects. Each Content Object can contain other Content Objects thus forming the recursive structure of the CMS. Each Content Object has one or multiple Content Object value(s). A Content Object Value is always bound to a specific locale. A locale is a combination of a language identifier and a region identifier. For example the locale en_US represents the language English for the US region. So, you can define values for different languages but as well for different regions which use the same language (see how this is used for the resolution of CMS content at runtime).

In Axon.ivy, each project has its own CMS. Content Objects are looked up by means of the Content Object URI mentioned above. If the lookup for a Content Object fails in the current project, then Axon.ivy will recursively lookup the URI in the CMS’s of the required projects (breadth-first).


Put common content that you use in multiple projects into a base project and make your other projects dependent on the base project. Then you can share and re-use all Content Objects from the base project.