Process History (Deprecated)


Deprecated: This feature is marked for removal in version LTS 12.


This component is a lazy loading list that displays all business cases of a business entity in your application. You can include this component everywhere:

In a page


In a dialog



If you use this component in Portal, redirect to case details page when clicking on a row.

How to Use

First, you have to link the cases to the business entity. Call the subprocess SetBusinessEntityId in each process which needs to be linked and input an identifier unique to your business entity. The subprocess will set the id to the additional property “CASE_BUSINESS_ENTITY_PROPERTY” of the business case.

  1. Link the cases to the business entity.

    Call the subprocess SetCaseBusinessEntity in the process which needs to be linked and input an identifier unique to your business entity. The subprocess will set the id to the additional property “CASE_BUSINESS_ENTITY_PROPERTY” of the business case.


  2. Include the process history component into your page:

    <ic:com.axonivy.portal.components.ProcessHistory businessEntityId="alpha" />

    The value of the attribute businessEntityId must match the id input into the subprocess in the first step.

    By default, the component will load 20 cases at a time. You can change this by setting the attribute chunkSize to the number you want. You should use this attribute alongside the attribute scrollHeight to configure the scroll bar of the list.

    Attributes of this component:







    The value of this attribute must match the id input into the subprocess in the first step.




    Integer value to size of cases that will be loaded when scroll down.




    Integer value to configure the height of the list.


    There are no cases


    The message will be displayed if there are no cases.




    Boolean value to specify the displaying cases of owner, when set to true cases of owner will be displayed.


    dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm


    Datetime pattern for created column.


    If you use this component in a dialog, you have to run the script processHistory.setup(); when the dialog is shown, e.g.:

    <p:dialog widgetVar="process-history-dialog" id="process-history-dialog" width="800" height="500" resizable="false"
       header="Process history of Beta Company" modal="true" onShow="processHistory.setup();">
       <ic:com.axonivy.portal.components.ProcessHistory businessEntityId="beta" chunkSize="10" scrollHeight="400" />
  1. Override the callable subprocess OpenCaseDetailsHook to handle navigation when clicking on a case in the Process History component.

    Please refer to the process ProcessHistoryExample in portal-components-examples for more details on how to use the Process History.

    If you want to customize its style, please refer to Style Customization.


    If your process has a Trigger component or sends a signal to start another process with the option “Attach to Business Case that triggered this process” selected, the current case of the process will become a technical case and will not be loaded into the process history list. In this case, you need to call the SetCaseBusinessEntity subprocess after the first Trigger or signal sending step to be able query this case in the process history.

Migrate from Deprecated Process History

  1. Replace code in HTML files: replace ic:ch.ivy.addon.portal.component.ProcessHistory with ic:com.axonivy.portal.components.ProcessHistory.

  2. Optional: set showCaseOfOwner to true if you want to show the cases owned by the login user.

  3. Optional: set dateTimePattern to a specific date/time pattern if you want to show the date/time in a unique format different from the default format (dd:MM.yyyy HH:mm).

  4. Optional: Override the subprocess OpenCaseDetailsHook to handle navigation when clicking on a case in the Process History component.

    For applications using the Portal without IFrame:

    • Copy the contents of the subprocess OpenPortalCaseDetailsHook in portal to the overridden subprocess OpenCaseDetailsHook.

    For applications using the Portal with an IFrame:

    • Set attribute isOpenInFrame to true.

    • Modify the subprocess OpenCaseDetailsHook to generate caseDetailsUrl. Process History component will navigate to this URL when the user clicks on a case.