Web Services

SOAP based web services are often used to integrate various systems. The tooling of Axon Ivy makes the integration of remote web services very easy and intuitive. You don’t need to care much about the technical details behind the scenes.

Call a Remote Web Service

To call a remote web service, you have to register it in the Web Service Clients. Just add a new web service entry, enter the WSDL URI and generate a client which you can use later on in your process.

After that, you call the remote web service using a Web Service Call Activity. Sending data from your business process to the remote service and the integration of returned data from the service is easy. It works like other data mapping tables.

Provide a Web Service for Third Parties

If you need to expose an interface to your application for third parties, you may provide it as a SOAP web service.

To define a new web service interface, add a new process of kind Webservice to your project. Define the supported parameters by configuring the Web Service Process Start event. Now you can implement the business logic of the web service just like any other process flow.

Once the service is implemented, start the Axon Ivy Engine and click the link to the WSDL service definition. Share this WSDL or the link with the third parties that need to consume your service.

Getting Started

Check out our video tutorials to see web service integrations in action.

If you are looking for web service integration examples with Axon Ivy, have a look at the ConnectivityDemos sample project in the Designer.